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Actor Writer Musician Presenter


New Release 9 nominations.
Best Actor. Best Director

Show Reel

Stephen Kearney is an Actor, Presenter and Writer.


Stephen studied acting at the Actor's Studio in London and LA to bring his experience to life on stage, TV and in film in a variety of roles. He is currently training in the Vakhtangov method in the Actors Studio in London.

Stephen has been a chief executive of an international social action charity, business director, a politician and a radio presenter. He has worked with people from all walks of life:  Prime Ministers and paramilitaries, prostitutes and politicians, prisoners and police officers, anarchists and artists, corporate leaders, and people who struggle to survive and make sense of their worlds.


Stephen has directed professionals in theatrical and artistic performance to help people articulate their concerns and dreams in communities all over the British Isles. He has appeared on television.

He is an experienced offshore sailor, boat handler - all crafts inland waterways, river and coastal.

He is a singer and has some basic guitar skills and has Advanced ECSPC Firearms in Action Training.

Stephen is an experienced mixed farmer, understands rural matters.  

He can competently ride a horse. He plays the Policeman, Politician and tough guy with ease. Stephen has a very subtle, yet powerful and charismatic presence which always thrills the audience.


He says “I’m passionate, confident and highly motivated. I have experienced comic, tragic and disastrous events in my life. As I develop my work now and in the future I will use these living memories to bring the characters I play into life."


Stephen is a full member of Equity UK & Spotlight 

Benjamin Cuttle - Concept

Benjamin Cuttle is written by Stephen with Julia Olsen and a new writing team for 2023. Cast and crew have filmed pre production work.

The Overarching Story Line


Set in current times and located along and around the “linear village” of the Midlands canal system, South West Devon and Ireland, the TV series follows the life and progress of middle-aged Benjamin Cuttle as he ducks and dives in post-industrial austerity Britain where he lives, works and trades from a pair of beautiful canal narrowboats.


Benjamin Cuttle is a free spirited, gifted chemical engineer and perfume alchemist whose olfactory skill is well known. Fun-loving, principled, single and obsessively enthusiastic about the freedom of the waterways and things that smell, Cuttle has an extraordinary “nose” for fakery, liars and cheats as well as wine, whisky, perfume and intriguing women.


His dream is to re-create a cutting edge and ethical perfumery business and sustainable soap manufactory, and reclaim his legacy after devious corporate raiders stole his father’s world-renowned perfume business.  He is determined to restore the family name destroyed by shadowy Freddie Darnelli and associates and his cunning puppet Peter Fladbury, Cuttle’s schoolboy rival.The antagonists are involved in people smuggling, community manipulation and the arms trade and they use then perfume industry to feed their insatiable greed for power and wealth


With his beloved co-author and botanist colleague Coriander Grieve, energetic apprentice Maisie Mee, and mysterious geomancer Menzies Flintlock he stumbles into a journey to discover the essence of the perfect perfume that will reshape the Cuttle name and fortunes, and challenge the corporate business paradigm and corruption that he hates.


As Benjamin Cuttle’s legendary nose leads the intrepid foursome into the arena of shady corporate interests and organised activism and protest, the story bounces through their sometimes comic, sometimes dangerous adventures to investigate magic, mystery, danger and dirty dealings.  As they meet and tackle opposing forces with a curiously powerful mix of science, skill, extra-sensory perception, artistry, martial arts and joie de vivre, friends, strangers, tricksters and various bears guide, guard and reveal clues to the perfumers’ elusive elixir, the ultimately potent transformative grail.

About & Subscribe

Radio and Music Productions

The Stephen Kearney Show  

Shazia Mirza    -    Comedian

Tom Newman - Musician and Co - Founder of Virgin Records

(Music and Interview)  

Ward Thomas    -    Top Chart Musicians

Rhino Edwards    -    Rock guitarist Status Quo

Dave Swift    -    Jools Holland Band

John Verity    -    Rock Guitarist


Political Programmes

Vince Cable - Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Norman Lamb    -    Minister and MP

Paddy Ashdown  - Liberal Democrat Peer

Adam Boulton - Political Correspondent Sky TV 

Gavin Grant - Chief Executive of RSPCA

Performances Stage and film

Film. Our Father

Jacob Wilkinson

Part: Fr Thomas

Director Jacob Wilkinson


TV Series  Benjamin Cuttle

Author Julia Olsen 

Part:Benjamin Cuttle

Director:Mark Bousfield Bou Mou Productions



Film Capricorn.

Part: Richard Thatchell MP Minister of Justice

Director: Stephanie Forrest

Oxford University Film Forum



Film  Vices

Part: Father of the Artist

Authors Chloe Roberts 

Director: Callum Robertson  2018


Film  The Escapist

Authors Elizabeth Pitkin 

Part: Terry

Director Elizabeth Pitkin 2018

Film:  The Club Member

Real Lives

Author: Owen Smith

Part: Mark

Director: Owen Smith


Film  Snowflakes

Authors Hannah Robinson 

          Daniel Murtha

Part: The Constituent

Director Elliot Barker 2017


Play Communicating Doors

Author  Alan Ayckbourne

Part Reece Welles

Director Brian Timoney 2017


Play In the middle of the night

Author  Paddy Chayefski

Part Jerry Kingsley

Director Joe Ferreira 2016


Play Jerusalem

Author  Jez Butterworth

Part Johnny Byron

Director Brian Timoney 2016


Play All the Presidents Men

Author  Bernstein/Woodward

Part Deep Throat

Director Brian Timoney 2016

Play Glengarry Glen Ross

Author  David Mamet

Part Dave Moss

Director Joe Ferreira 2016


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